Education For The Future With Permaculture  

Our courses focus on reuniting people with the land for self-sufficiency and resilience.

Online Course

Discover a resilient and truly free life with permaculture.


Everyone should have access to practical skills for resilience in our changing world. Whether you are just getting started or are looking to fully immerse yourself, our courses are crafted to support you in your journey.

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Permaculture Design Course 2024

The School of Natural Design's Permaculture Design Course is your gateway to a more sustainable and regenerative way of life.

Enroll now to unlock the secrets of natural design and make a positive impact on the planet!.


Imagine being completely self-reliant and in tune with nature.



Permaculture is far more than advanced garden design! It is a set of design principals that can be applied to our entire lives. At its core, it is a philosophy that teaches us how to live in harmony, resulting in increased stability and abundance.

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Permaculture is a life-long journey. We’ll help you flourish with weekly seeds of knowledge.

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Hello there!

I'm Christine, the founder.

I have a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of sustainable, regenerative living. My commitment goes beyond certification – I envision a world where the principles of permaculture empower individuals from all walks of life to create positive change in their communities and our planet.

More about us

"Permaculture is a lifestyle. I incorporate what I learned at School of Natural Design everyday - on my land, with my family, and in my community!"

- Laurie Smith

"Getting my PDC changed my life. I have found a purpose and an understanding of how I can help solve food insecurity."

- Jenna Crawford

"My eco-anxiety was at an all-time high before I found SND... It taught me that there ARE real, actionable solutions to the climate crisis - and helped me discover my passion - water management!"

- Zadae Fa

Education For The Future With Permaculture

Our courses focus on reuniting people with the land for self-sufficiency and resilience.

Call To Action