About The School

The School of Natural Design is a global education platform bringing the principals of nature conservation and permaculture design to students around the world.


About The Founder

Christine Ahanotu is a Hollywood producer turned permaculturist, who discovered her path after receiving her first PDC in 2021 under the instruction of Stephen Brooks and Penny Livingston, two of the most internationally recognized permaculture leaders in the world.

Since then she has consulted on permaculture projects across the US. However, she felt something was missing. As the climate crisis continues to escalate, she realized just how few people had access to this knowledge.

The School of Natural Design was born with the hopes of sharing regenerative design with people around the world and in doing so, ensuring our resilience in a time of great need.

Christine is also the author of the upcoming

"As Nature Intended: The Power of Permaculture For A Sustainable Future".


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